My living grandmother was born under this Pope-Saint's pontificate!
The following is a an excerpt from Rev. Fr. Michael Rodriguez's most recent sermon. He is the pastor of San Juan Bautista, a parish in El Paso, Texas. Is he crazy or on to something?
"...You better believe times have changed, but they have changed for the worst. And we've deviated from the teachings of the Holy Catholic Church and the teachings of Our Savior Jesus Christ, and even though its not easy to recover, we better work as hard as we can to recover. We have to recover the Catholic Faith. It might seem to the world that we fail in trying to recover the Catholic Faith; we might be ridiculed, we might be persecuted, whatever might happen, doesn't matter, we have to pray and God and ask for the grace to do our best to recover the Faith, to do it with joy, to do our best to trust in God and to persevere.
"Two final examples, very quick like, just to show you the gravity of the situation, because you've GOT TO TAKE SERIOUSLY that fact there is A GRAVE, GRAVE crisis in the Faith, even in our own diocese, the Catholic Faith is gone. You better work double time to recover, and help those you love also to recover it. Most of you already know a little bit of whats going on, but very quickly, you can pick this up as you exit, we've got copies of articles that I wrote that appeared as paid advertisements in the news paper, in the
El Paso Times a couple weeks ago, some of you are also aware of the response that was given to the news paper by our diocese. Very tragic; so you can open your eyes and see whats taking place. Basically everything that is written in here, I mean there are a few exceptions, but basically the crux of whats written in these articles is Catholic Church teaching. There's no question about it. I'm quoting from the Catechism of the Catholic Church, I'm quoting from the Congregation of the Doctrine of Faith in Rome, I'm quoting from the United States Bishops, I'm qouting from Sacred Scripture, I'm quoting from Tradition or following the moral tradition of the Catholic Church that is 2,000 years old; that has its roots in Christ and the Apostles and the Catholic Church. Well, the official response from the diocese to the newspaper, again this was quoted in the news paper, when the news paper basically asked the diocese (well, you know) whats your comment, whats the deal (with lets say) with that that appeared by one of the priests? And the response of the diocese was " those are the person views and opinions of Fr. Michael Rodriguez."
"You've got to be kidding me...
"Here is, again, I'm just a little messenger, basically, herein this is contained the teachings of Our Savior, Jesus Christ, and His Holy Catholic Church, and the official word from Our Church is "those are personal views and opinions of a particular priest." If there ever was a betrayal of the Son of God, you better believe thats a betrayal of the Son of God and of the truth that is taught by Jesus Christ thats never going to change. And this is coming from the higher level in our diocese... Thats why were saying "we've lost the Catholic Faith"
"And one final example, also relevant to this, we'll complete with this one so you'll see whats going on (Open your eyes, open your hearts, get to work) with regard to what I wrote... one of my brother priest, he called, I didn't speak to him directly, he left a message on the machine, its also very significant, he left me a message, now there are many of my other brother priests that didn't leave me a message but they pretty much think the same way as this priest, lets not be fooled... basically the message he left me, I wont go through all of it, but basically he left me a message saying I was a disgrace to the Catholic Church, he told me that I better go on retreat and reform my life, he told me that I no longer was a Catholic priest because I wasn't preaching the gospel of love and forgiveness, the gospel that was found and the gospel that was preached by Jesus, and I forgot what else he told me, but you get a gist of what the message was... So be it. I can't say the message came as a surprise...
"The saddest thing about this is the following, though. That in actual reality, he is the one who is no longer in communion with the Catholic Church. He is the one, although in appearance, appears to be the Catholic priest, in the Eyes of God, and of Holy mother Church is no longer a priest. He is not teaching the Faith. Again, the saddest thing of all, is really begin to think how many souls are being led astray by basically I would say these impostors or these wolves in shepherds' clothing that have betrayed Christ, and have betrayed the Faith. And this is not one single indecent, this is not "well, you know there is just one single priest roaming around there that, you know, is doing this." They are Legion. To a large extent the Catholic Faith has disappeared, and has disappeared among so many of the faithful because its disappeared among so many of the shepherds...
In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen"

Amen, Father.
This great priest needs your prayers. Ask God to give him the strength to continue to to fortify him with the guts to stand up in front of his congregation and preach the Word of God, without fear of what might happen to him. He sees a real problem, and has a real solution. To go back, and restore all things in Christ. Because right now, man is doing what they think is best. That is to restore some things in Christ, but not all. St. Pius' moto should be taken very seriously. They way he meant it. Please visit father's parish's website at http://sanjuan.webhop.org/
And from the pen of St. Pius, I will leave you with his words...
"We allude, Venerable Brethren, to many who belong to the Catholic laity, nay, and this is far more lamentable, to the ranks of the priesthood itself, who, feigning (putting on fictitiously) a love for the Church, lacking the firm protection of philosophy and theology, nay more, thoroughly imbued with the poisonous doctrines taught by the enemies of the Church (Modernists) vaunt themselves as reformers of the Church...and
assail all that is most sacred in the work of Christ"