Holy Fathers Francis and Dominic

Saturday, June 5, 2010

All's well that ends well

I have wanted to blog about 84 times since the last one, and here are a few updates for you (to be blogs).
1) I became a Dominican Third Order member! Brother Francis, T.O.P.
2) I had a pretty obvious thought pop into my head while meditating on the mysteries.
3) My diocese is very serious, sometimes.
4) I'm a big fan of the Four Temperaments.
5) I have felt like I failed pointing people in the right direction.
6) There was a concert for the priests of our diocese, and my thoughts.

I think I will tackle number 6.
Yesterday, I was asked if I went to a concert held at my university sponsored by a Catholic entertainment company. The concert entitled "Song of Praise" was to show appreciation for all of our priests and what they do. I was asked (ironically enough in front of my priest, who failed to get the invite... if you know what I mean) if I went to the concert. What a shame. I would have no problem going there, showing my support for the men in black, if that was what was really going on. I know folks who put it on meant well, but if the diocese was really bent on getting the souls of its flock to heaven, they could honor** my priest by letting him do what he was created to do.

**Reverend Father does not want honor for the sake of honor, but isn't it Saint Paul who says if one member glories, then the whole rejoices with it.
Its no surprise what happened, but sad that this diocese has an absolute gold mine located in the heart of its biggest city. But no one will take advantage of him. I can't think of a better priest to train other priests in the Tridentine Rite. No one could preach a more traditional (silent) retreat. He knows more about the New Code of Canon Law better than a lot of priests I know, and could hear confessions in a couple of languages. He is a storehouse of knowledge, and would benefit the diocese in many, many ways. But will this diocese ever grow a backbone and tap this font of knowledge? Probably not, because, as Bishop Williamson puts it "as long as we stand up for the old fashion doctrine, we are raining on their parade."

They admit he is a Priest of God, ordained in a Catholic Rite, with the power to share in the Hypostatic Union and make bread Flesh, and wine Blood. But because he cares about the salvation of souls and claims there is a higher authority than the Local Ordinary, he and the chapel where Tradition lives on is worse than my fingers will let me type.
But where is Christ in all of this? Is Christ going to ease judgment of the soul of a priest because he was honored at "Songs of Praise" the night before last? Will Our Lord, the final judge, let the shepherds slide because they are praised in this world? There is a problem there. Priests are not supposed to be popular. St. John of the Cross would tell you that. I see too many priests striving for an approval rating. The more they say "yes," the more the kids like them. Yes to Ecumenism, yes to Life Teen, yes to the feel-good-cafeteria-Catholicism that leaves little kids like me not knowing the simplest of Catechism. Priests in the New Order do know how to say "No." No to fast and penance, no to the reality of Hell, no to the past teachings of Holy Mother Church...

When Christ comes down at the Consecration does He like what He sees in the Kum-biah picture above? Is a rock concert an appropriate place for the Second Person of the Trinity to dwell? (Yes that white table is the altar.)
Our poor Lord mistreated... our poor Lady shedding tear after tear for priests whom she loves so much. Do we have to take part in this, or at least this mindset? Would the saints attend?

In truth, I can bet the concert was, as I was told, amazing. I'm sure the pianist and vocalist were exceptional. I can think of no other group of men who deserve to be treated to a nice night. The servants of God are not to be taken for granted! It is time we put our pride aside and see our problems as problems that we are either okay with, or problems that can be remedied.

As usual, I would like to end with a short prayer. O, Most holy Lord, we give Thee praise, due and fit! Please make us patient, grant us obedience, form us into soldiers for Christ. Give us the strength we need to fight the good fight, and although it may seem like David and Goliath all over again, we know how that turned out! O, most merciful Mary, refuge of sinners, intercede for us. Ask your Creator, Son, and Spouse to make us whole, and may we never compromise the Truth. Amen.

We do not know the future. But we do know that the gates of Hell will never prevail against His Church. All is well that ends well...

Up next, the Four Temperaments

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