Chapter 41- Earning the Reward.(The first 40 chapters in the book are the soft ones. This is where it gets more "no-nonsense." Maybe not all are ready to hear it, but if you can make it to 4, not all hope, we find, is lost.)
"My Child, for reasons which you cannot fully appreciate at present, I made your earthly life a time of labor and trial. Each and every time that I permit you to suffer pain, grief, or disappointment I do it for your own good. These trails help you to come closer to me in one way or another. I made your earthly life a time of labor and trail. Do not think too much about pleasure and rest in this life. Be prepared to exercise patience rather than enjoy comfort or consolation. Think more of carrying the cross of daily life rather than of avoiding everything unpleasant.
2. Do you expect to enjoy interior consolation whenever you wish? Not even My saints could do that during their earthly life. They had to face many troubles, temptations, interior misery and desolation. They went on, however, in spite of all these obstacles, trusting in Me more than in themselves. The were fully aware that the sufferings of this life are not worthy to be compared with the glory that is to come.
3. Do you not see how selfish your desires are? You want to obtain quickly the peace and holiness which others achieved only after many trails and labors. You are more interested in enjoying My gifts than in earning them. No, you must do things My way if you want to live the best way.
Wait for the light and strength which I will send in due time. In the meantime have courage and be patient. Do not give up the fight against your faults and defects. Do your best to become the kind of person I want you to be. Leave the results to Me. I am near you every moment. Be unselfish enough to go on trying for My sake. I will someday reward you far beyond anything you can imagine.
Heaven is a reward- a thing to be earned. Though I can never really deserve it by my poor human efforts alone, Jesus has made it possible for me to work for it with His help. Strengthened by His grace, I can strive for Heaven. An honest daily effort against my faults and a faithful attempt to do God's Will in all things will bring me the glorious reward of Heaven. Earthly life has its labors, trails, and difficulties. Each day I show by my actions, words, thoughts and desires, how sincerely I am working for Heaven.
Holy Spirit, my God, help me to see your guiding hand in time of trail, and let me follow humbly and loyally whatever You desire of me. I want to do the best that is in me, be it ever so little. Heaven is more than I will ever deserve, but at least I can do my best to make myself a little less unworthy of it. My God, I hope in You, for the grace to go on trying each hour of the day. Amen.