Holy Fathers Francis and Dominic

Monday, July 18, 2011

Meditatio #2

I was meditating on the Assumption of the BVM on the feast of Corpus Christi. I tried think about what the Body of Chirst meant to each Mystery (try it, very useful) and I thought about the following.

Our Lady is Queen of priests, but not herself one. Although she brought Jesus to man once, she could not do so ever again. However, someone she lived with could! St. John was there at the Last Supper for the Mandatum, he was at Calvery for the first Mass, and he was there at Pentecost for the Gifts of the Holy Ghost. He knew that if he wanted to bring back Christ, he could say Holy Mass, and Our Lady knew it, too! She probably had St. John say Mass all the time. I bet she even had him reserve the Blessed Sacrament and kept it in her house. I wouldn't be surprised if it was the Virgin Mary's idea to have adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.

Try that on for size. When you kneel before the Holy Eucharist, who's idea was that? Who loved Our Lord most? Can She ask her Son that we might love Him more?

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