The following was a conversation I had with a single girl this time last year.
Her: Who needs to pray to stop being single though?
Me: Only those with a vocation to marriage!
Her: Hah, I guess that makes sense. I look at it differently. As someone who feels called to marriage, I just pray for my future husband, for his health and his life, etc. I figure that I don't need to pray for him to enter my life. It'll happen. Until then, definitely enjoying Jesus being the only man in my life. You're never truly single when you're pursuing him and letting him pursue you. Am I right?
A friend of ours agrees: I'm with [this girl]-- I'm in no rush to find a husband at all. Being single is nice, and more time to focus on God.
Me:This is a little different, but maybe I can help explain. If you have a priestly vocation, you should become a priest as soon as possible. Less time to get wrapped up in the woes of this world. The less debt, the less heart ache, the more time you could be in the confessional forgiving sins.
Now how this relates to the married life... Well, imagine (right now for just a second) if St. Joseph was to be your spouse! How amazing would that be having a saint for a husband. When St. Anne found St. Joseph for Our Lady I don't think Our Lady said, "hold on Mom, I need to focus on God." She knew that her calling in life was to raise Christ WITH her husband. Marriage is a sacrament. Not to be rushed into... but the natural part is of course is children, and the supernatural part is the SANCTIFICATION of the two who enter into it. The sooner the two get together, the more time they have to sanctify each other/ have children (future saints). If God sends you a man that will get you to heaven (one that fits the description of above prayer) then why not welcome him into your life as soon as possible. College degrees, jobs that make millions of dollars, being able to "travel before I have kids," none of those will get you to heaven, unlike a good husband. Its just like having a devotion to the Blessed Virgin. Loving her increases your love for her son, just like loving a husband would not detract from Jesus Christ, but I would argue that you would love Him more! But some young ladies would make excellent bride's of Christ. so don't leave that option out of your prayers!
St. Anne, pray for us!
Especially me, and the two girls above, as well!
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