I have printed the following out for some friends. Some names will be left blank to protect the innocent.
Q. Can I go to St. __________?
A. One could not go to St. _______ if it were Invalid or Illicit?
Valid- i.e. the person celebrating Mass is not a priest, the words of consecration are not said etc. Fr. _____ would be happy to show you his "chelebrant" or his paper from the Vatican, issued by Ecclesia Dei, signed by the cardinal and Msgr. Pearl on July 3, 2000. It says he may celebrate Holy Mass with the use of the 1962 Missal, and he is incardinated in the Diocese of Scranton, PA. Proof he's valid! However, you are supposed to get the permission of the local ordinary to celebrate public Mass. This brings up the question of whether it is licit (lawful) or illicit (illegal.)
Licit- Until the Bishop of ___________ recognizes St. _______, people will always be quick to point this out. However, in the New Code of Canon Law, the rule clearly states that "any Catholic Rite can fulfill your Mass obligation." Msgr. Pearl (who is a priest of the New Order) tells a Catholic who asks about going to the SSPX for the sacraments (the SSPX is the society that ordained Father ______,) "If your primary reason for attending were to manifest your desire to separate yourself from communion with the Roman Pontiff and those in Communion with him, it would be a sin. If your intention is simply to participate in a Mass according to the 1962 Missal for the sake of Devotion, this would not be a sin."
It is true St.____ does not have ordinary jurisdiction (yet.) But does Holy Mother Church foresee instances when her ministers receive jurisdiction for the supreme law to save souls? Yes! Exceptions are made, open a book! Read when the faithful are not bound to go to their local parish. Ecclesiastical Law must be obeyed unless it conflicts with the Divine Law, but as Catholics, we have a duty to worship Almighty God in a due and fitting manner! The Faith and tradition of Catholics go back 2000 years. The Church was founded in 33 A.D, not 1965. All new ideas ended with the death of St. John, the last Apostle. Read the past teachings of the Church and see what she has defended and made clear! Learn what the Councils of our holy and unified church bind you to believe and curse you (anathema) if you hold the erring opinion (their words, not mine.)
The Bishop may not like it, but he cannot pick and choose what goes into out Faith. He is subject to a higher power. What did the last two popes do for the Traditional Mass? Pope JP II came up with Ecclesia Dei, Pope Benedict proclaimed the Summorum Pontificum and lifted the excommunications of the SSPX bishops! Why did he do that? Do you know what these encyclicals say? Do you have access to a computer? (I bet you do reading this.) The popes like the Traditional Rite. Why don't we? One possible reason is we cannot like what we do not know.
After we take the time and make the effort to the research the condition of the modern church, we can come to one of two conclusions. There are either problems or there are not problems. If we "feel uncomfortable" with the liturgical abuses or irreverence, the Holy See does not bind us to go to a parish that has these issues. St. _______ exists because it has none! They hold fast to the teaching that has been handed down from Jesus Christ to his Apostles. St ____ teaches nothing schismatic or heretical. St Paul says there should be no division among members. I Cor 12:25. Bp _________ himself comments on this passage by saying "namely, there should be union, not necessarily uniformity" Hmmm...
If you have any questions, the Catholic Church has the answers. If you need help finding these answers, please clear your afternoon, and contact Alex Walker @ (phone #) theviateam@yahoo.com
St. Paul, pray for us.
Holy Fathers Francis and Dominic
Friday, April 23, 2010
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Mind your tongue

One day I found myself (don't ask me how) in a really modern Novus Ordo Church. You know, the ones with the Art Deco paintings , a table, and a tabernacle embedded in the side wall. Well, a friend and I follow a small group of guys in a side room and take our seats. I haven't been mixed with the Novus Ordo very often, and it took me a few seconds to realize that it was in fact a chapel, and Our Lord was present in the wall. I then put down a kneeler and kneel. My friend taps me on the shoulder and whispers... "is the Euch in there" I nodded "yes" and then shook my head...
Try not to throw the word "Eucharist" around. First off, always capitalize it. The Most Holy Eucharist actually means something more than just "my home boy" so show Him some reverence by throwing "holy" or "most holy" or "bless-ed" in front. It is of such importance that these adjectives get capitalized with It! Traditional Catholics make it a point to reserve their speech and watch what ever words are put in the same sentence with this life giving word. Of course, a consecrated host is the Eucharist. But try not to throw the name around like its a substitute for "bread." Remember, every time you say it, you basically say "the Sacrifice of Calvary." Some Synonyms you can use are "Blessed Sacrament" and "Holy Communion." I have heard the word "Eucharist" said more times since Ive been with the schools Catholic group than I have heard it in 10 years. AND NO, THAT'S NOT A GOOD THING. The Traditionalists are not afraid of saying "Eucharist" but show It the reverence It deserves. We love It, we embrace It. Its not something common to us. We have It everyday, but It never loses Its novelty. Familiarity breeds contempt.
Ive heard someone say "go up and get the Eucharist" or "then, when it was time for Eucharist." No! Do you know who has "the Eucharist" instead of "the Mass?" The Episcopalians.
We don't "eat the Eucharist." We receive Holy Communion" ---or--- after we pray and mentally prepare ourselves for a worthy reception, we communicate with the Blessed Sacrament found in the Most Holy Eucharist, where Christ is present, Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity. Then give sufficient thanks.
I pray for a worthy Communion. You only need one to become a Saint.
Friday, April 9, 2010
Easter Lilies

I read my last couple blogs and they seem to me written in the way that I was trying to avoid. I wrote the Tale of Two Alters out of frustration, and although I meant it, I said some things I would like to clear up. I spoke about my friend as if he was a blinded ninny who was as illogical as a protestant. I may have stripped the words that came from his mouth to a meaning that suited my blog. And for that, I apologize. Well, hes my best friend. And if this writer writes that kind of stuff behind Friend B's back, he wont have friends for very long. I would like to clarify that I still stick to what I said, I just could have been more diplomatic about it.
Concerning the Good Friday post. I wrote that under the influence of an uncharacteristic slight depression. It sounds so bleak rereading it. I let hear-say get the best of me. I know the Catholic ministry on campus will think. They have more patience and charity than most, and I didn't give them the due respect I should have. Forgive me! I do not think the group at school is a kangaroo court that has it out for me. If they are, they have a good way of hiding it. Being on the other side of Easter can open my eyes a bit more.
Recently, I have been compiling evidence/arguments with two guys. I think this is good, because until this past year, things have just felt right. Well, that would only do for so long. Now, I KNOW things are right. And that is very comforting.
Now that I've gotten this off my chest, on to the blog---
Diplomacy and Strategy. How important are these ideas in the fight for Tradition? We could look at the saints! St. Louis de Montfort had a bull from the Pope saying he may preach basically wherever, whenever, and to whomever. He had Truth on his side (and the Pope) but yet he set a humble model of patience and obedience. Why? Could we learn from this Saint?
Sure, Jesus was angry once. It was just anger, too. He saw merchants in His Father's temple. He literally fliped (tables.) What would Christ do if he walked into a Lifeteen Mass? Or someone told me a story where "kids were high fiving each other after they got back into their pugh after communion." Is this a cause for righteous anger? Yeah, probably. But we must look at Christ's example, too! He knew how the Holy Eucharist would be abused and he still decided it was best to leave the Most Blessed Sacrament with us. So... should we go rushing into battle, sometimes ill prepared, withOUT an interior life that matched the "holiness" of our exterior? Who will listen if we just go out in a fury of melee condemning everybody and their brother? We should first get our act together. God will fix this crisis! We don't change people, He does! It all starts with a life a prayer, then a life of detachment. A life of action will follow. If we are true to God and die to ourselves, He will use us as a tool in His strategy. Just watch...
St. Louis d' Montfort, pray for us.
Friday, April 2, 2010
Good Friday
What I have been afraid for a year has started to happen.
The question of obedience has come up. Lines are being drawn in the sand. God, give me the strength to hold fast to the Truth. Decisions are going to have to be made, some have already been made. Lord, please allow Your servants to accept their fate with humility and silence. Just as you accepted Your Fathers will in the garden of Gethsemane early this morning. As I write this, 2000 years ago, You would have have been carrying Your Cross up to the summit of execution! Already tried and condemned in a kangaroo court but a few hours ago. Pilate condemned Our Lord because he was a coward, I ask for You to grant the Catholic ministry at school the grace to think; to look at the current situation and be obedient... not to the local ordinary, but to the Power above him!
May all the meditations and devotions from Noon to Three, and the Mass of the Pre-Sanctified after that, mold my spirit. Wipe it clean so that I may wake up with Thee Easter Sunday clothed with the New Man, who according to God has been created in Justice, and Holiness of Truth!
The question of obedience has come up. Lines are being drawn in the sand. God, give me the strength to hold fast to the Truth. Decisions are going to have to be made, some have already been made. Lord, please allow Your servants to accept their fate with humility and silence. Just as you accepted Your Fathers will in the garden of Gethsemane early this morning. As I write this, 2000 years ago, You would have have been carrying Your Cross up to the summit of execution! Already tried and condemned in a kangaroo court but a few hours ago. Pilate condemned Our Lord because he was a coward, I ask for You to grant the Catholic ministry at school the grace to think; to look at the current situation and be obedient... not to the local ordinary, but to the Power above him!
May all the meditations and devotions from Noon to Three, and the Mass of the Pre-Sanctified after that, mold my spirit. Wipe it clean so that I may wake up with Thee Easter Sunday clothed with the New Man, who according to God has been created in Justice, and Holiness of Truth!
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