I read my last couple blogs and they seem to me written in the way that I was trying to avoid. I wrote the Tale of Two Alters out of frustration, and although I meant it, I said some things I would like to clear up. I spoke about my friend as if he was a blinded ninny who was as illogical as a protestant. I may have stripped the words that came from his mouth to a meaning that suited my blog. And for that, I apologize. Well, hes my best friend. And if this writer writes that kind of stuff behind Friend B's back, he wont have friends for very long. I would like to clarify that I still stick to what I said, I just could have been more diplomatic about it.
Concerning the Good Friday post. I wrote that under the influence of an uncharacteristic slight depression. It sounds so bleak rereading it. I let hear-say get the best of me. I know the Catholic ministry on campus will think. They have more patience and charity than most, and I didn't give them the due respect I should have. Forgive me! I do not think the group at school is a kangaroo court that has it out for me. If they are, they have a good way of hiding it. Being on the other side of Easter can open my eyes a bit more.
Recently, I have been compiling evidence/arguments with two guys. I think this is good, because until this past year, things have just felt right. Well, that would only do for so long. Now, I KNOW things are right. And that is very comforting.
Now that I've gotten this off my chest, on to the blog---
Diplomacy and Strategy. How important are these ideas in the fight for Tradition? We could look at the saints! St. Louis de Montfort had a bull from the Pope saying he may preach basically wherever, whenever, and to whomever. He had Truth on his side (and the Pope) but yet he set a humble model of patience and obedience. Why? Could we learn from this Saint?
Sure, Jesus was angry once. It was just anger, too. He saw merchants in His Father's temple. He literally fliped (tables.) What would Christ do if he walked into a Lifeteen Mass? Or someone told me a story where "kids were high fiving each other after they got back into their pugh after communion." Is this a cause for righteous anger? Yeah, probably. But we must look at Christ's example, too! He knew how the Holy Eucharist would be abused and he still decided it was best to leave the Most Blessed Sacrament with us. So... should we go rushing into battle, sometimes ill prepared, withOUT an interior life that matched the "holiness" of our exterior? Who will listen if we just go out in a fury of melee condemning everybody and their brother? We should first get our act together. God will fix this crisis! We don't change people, He does! It all starts with a life a prayer, then a life of detachment. A life of action will follow. If we are true to God and die to ourselves, He will use us as a tool in His strategy. Just watch...
St. Louis d' Montfort, pray for us.
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