I talked to a priest friend today (Ill call him Rev. Father) and it gave me something to think about.
Going back a couple of weeks ago you might find a blog concerning a Novus Ordo priest and his thoughts (as best as I can remember them) on the Old Roman Rite. His stance was that since people must go out of their way to hear the Traditional Latin Mass, of course you're not going to run into people who are "texting on their cell phones and ducking out early" because they want to be there.
Rev. Father doesnt buy the first priest's stance that "if the Old Mass "was it," people would still be texting and leaving early." He states that he has invited young kids in the past to hear Mass who have only heared Mass said in the New Order. They were shocked by the Holy Silence and maintained it. Good. I should hope so.
But, what part I agree with from the first priests idea that if starting today every preist said the Mass in Latin from the 1962 missal in their own parrish, you're going to have people that do not want to be there. You will always have people who see Mass as a chore. You will always have people who have football on the brain, and are just trying to wait till everybody starts going to Communion so they can sneak out without anyone seeing them. God sees them, and sees their hearts.
Statistically, if all of lets say...the US.... hears the TLM today, you, by default, have people that just plain dont care if they kneel in front of The Almighty. If Rev. Father doesn't believe that, then I would say that I have seen it in my little church. I have seen someone my age get up, turn his back during the Consecration and walk out. Come back in and sit down only to leave before St. John 1:13. He didn't know whats going on. He didn't want to be there, and if he did, then I am being very uncharitable writing this.
I am just going to say that attending only the Traditional Latin Mass doesnt automatically make us St. Dominic Savio. There is something deeper to it. All the world celebrating the TLM isn't going to fix all of us sinners. Its not pushing a magic button that solves the current crisis. But that is not to say we shouldnt strive to have the TLM said on every alter for the glory of God. I think the Old Rite is the weapon of choice to combat Modernism.
We must remember what happens in one Mass on our on little Calvary is enough to fix the problem of today.
How do we fix something that is broken because it was fixed when it was not?
By prayer!
By saying yes to graces that are showered upon us every day.
By living a good life imitating Our Lord and His Saints.
By spreading the Gospel (and when necessary using words.)
By going to Confession and approaching Our Savior in the True Presence of the Blessed Sacrament in the Holy Eucharist with a clean and pure heart.
By not being passive and letting people get away with Sacrilege inside the Church.
By seeking the Truth, and celebrating it as it is the only thing that matters.
By letting the old man die, and putting on the new.
I would like to end with a short prayer.
Dear Blessed Trinity, awaken my heart. Remove all traces of sin in me. Let me subject myself to You. Let my heart, mind and soul be one with You, especially during the Sacrifice of the Mass. May I grow in love for You and for Our Lady. I ask that she may take me in as a refugee who turned himself away from the wicked world. Give us time to make amends and grant that I may not take Your gift of Faith for granted.
May Our Lord and Lady keep you well,
Saint Dominic Savio, pray for us.
Saint Luke, Pray for us!
Holy Fathers Francis and Dominic
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Saturday, October 17, 2009
where the wild things are not
This movie was bad. If you are planning on seeing it, do not read the rest of this. I would not want to spoil anything.
The kid is a brat. He disobeys his mother. Runs away from home (not just sent to bed without supper.) Goes on his little adventure where I hope he learned something (I don't buy the "we got to stick together" message). Then he returns home. He does not say he is sorry, and his mom gives him cake and milk.
That was it.
There was a scene where the teacher is talking about how the world was going to end. The sun was going to engulf the planets and then die. The teacher was going on about tidal waves and earthquakes to a seven year old and his class mates. I looked around to see if anybody else was seeing this.
Well, I guess its hard to turn a 10 page book into a 95 minute movie. The book wasn't very deep and the film tried to convey that Max had all these background stories and ideas to justify his shallow lines.
The book was popular when I was at that reading level. Its been out since the 60's. I wonder which audience the film makers were shooting for. Is the movie made for kids or the kids inside all of us? The kid inside me wanted to walk out of the movie theater. I wouldn't take my child.
Maybe I no longer posses imagination.
To be completely honest, if I reread the book, I would probably not like it.
What will be ruined next, The Hungry Caterpillar?
The kid is a brat. He disobeys his mother. Runs away from home (not just sent to bed without supper.) Goes on his little adventure where I hope he learned something (I don't buy the "we got to stick together" message). Then he returns home. He does not say he is sorry, and his mom gives him cake and milk.
That was it.
There was a scene where the teacher is talking about how the world was going to end. The sun was going to engulf the planets and then die. The teacher was going on about tidal waves and earthquakes to a seven year old and his class mates. I looked around to see if anybody else was seeing this.
Well, I guess its hard to turn a 10 page book into a 95 minute movie. The book wasn't very deep and the film tried to convey that Max had all these background stories and ideas to justify his shallow lines.
The book was popular when I was at that reading level. Its been out since the 60's. I wonder which audience the film makers were shooting for. Is the movie made for kids or the kids inside all of us? The kid inside me wanted to walk out of the movie theater. I wouldn't take my child.
Maybe I no longer posses imagination.
To be completely honest, if I reread the book, I would probably not like it.
What will be ruined next, The Hungry Caterpillar?
Saturday, October 10, 2009
An outside view of the Old Rite
I had a discussion with a priest from the New Order. Some things he said made some sense. This was the gist of the conversation.
I asked him if he said the Old Rite. He told me he didn't, but where I could find one. He asked me where I attend Mass; I told him. He asked me why I love the old form of the way Holy Mass is celebrated. This was a strait forward question...
My answer was "reverence." The question was not "whats wrong with the Novus Ordo." So I had to hold back what was on the tip of my tongue.
I told him how my senses are at peace in the solemn silence... how I am on guard at the few times Ive heard Mass in the Novus Ordo, and just when I drop my defenses, I look to my right and someone is texting, and I look to the left, and someone is ducking out early. Father seemed to be familiar and he gave me an opinion that was actually satisfactory.
(not exact quotation)
"The way the Mass was celebrated before the Second Vatican Council is called the Extraordinary Form. It is called that because you have to go beyond whats "ordinary" to [go.] If everybody was forced to go to that rite, then you would have the same problem (with people on their phone and ducking out early.)"
I can agree with that.
He then praised the reverence and piety of those who go out of their way to hold fast.
However, then he goes on to tell me the "but."
The one time he heared Holy Mass celebrated in the Traditional Roman Rite he felt removed. Through his experience he ascertained that other people didn't feel like they were a part of the Mass. They didnt co-offer themselves with the priest. I said I was sorry (I didn't know what else to say.) I pointed out that the priest says "Pray brethern, that MY SACRIFICE AND YOURS, and the alterboy says "ad utilitatem quoque nostram" which means "for our advantage."
Growing up with the New Mass, the priest saw old people kneel through the Sacrifice never lifting their eyes or detaching their fingers from the Rosary. He saw this as the remnant of the old folks that were so used to the Old Mass. The spirit of Vad II was to get people more involved.
I must have looked stupid standing there with my mouth open.
This is what I think.
I think that its up to everybody's own self to know whats going on. They need to know their Faith, and if they want to go kneel through the Mass, that's their business. That's on them. I don't know whats going on in their mind. I can only account for me. A sacrifice is happening! Is this a Sacrament, or is this a service where were trying to get everybody to feel good? To be completely honest, I usually feel really bad during Mass. I realize how my sins have offended God. Then I feel better because of Hope and then my life opens up to joy.
I thanked the good priest for his time. He asked me to pray for priests. I can agree with that, too.
Allow me to wrap things up with a short prayer.
Oh my Jesus, may we hear Your Holy Sacrifice with more fervor. May we offer 100% of ourselves to you. Your Saint Alphonsus says "never permit me to offend Thee again, grant that I may love Thee always, and then do with me what that wilt." Please help those who hear Your Mass half-heartidly, that they may Love God with their whole being. Make us love You more, and then make us Your examples. Also, call young men who will serve You and us well to your priesthood. Strengthen their lives and keep them in Your favor.
May Our Lord and Lady keep you all well
I asked him if he said the Old Rite. He told me he didn't, but where I could find one. He asked me where I attend Mass; I told him. He asked me why I love the old form of the way Holy Mass is celebrated. This was a strait forward question...
My answer was "reverence." The question was not "whats wrong with the Novus Ordo." So I had to hold back what was on the tip of my tongue.
I told him how my senses are at peace in the solemn silence... how I am on guard at the few times Ive heard Mass in the Novus Ordo, and just when I drop my defenses, I look to my right and someone is texting, and I look to the left, and someone is ducking out early. Father seemed to be familiar and he gave me an opinion that was actually satisfactory.
(not exact quotation)
"The way the Mass was celebrated before the Second Vatican Council is called the Extraordinary Form. It is called that because you have to go beyond whats "ordinary" to [go.] If everybody was forced to go to that rite, then you would have the same problem (with people on their phone and ducking out early.)"
I can agree with that.
He then praised the reverence and piety of those who go out of their way to hold fast.
However, then he goes on to tell me the "but."
The one time he heared Holy Mass celebrated in the Traditional Roman Rite he felt removed. Through his experience he ascertained that other people didn't feel like they were a part of the Mass. They didnt co-offer themselves with the priest. I said I was sorry (I didn't know what else to say.) I pointed out that the priest says "Pray brethern, that MY SACRIFICE AND YOURS, and the alterboy says "ad utilitatem quoque nostram" which means "for our advantage."
Growing up with the New Mass, the priest saw old people kneel through the Sacrifice never lifting their eyes or detaching their fingers from the Rosary. He saw this as the remnant of the old folks that were so used to the Old Mass. The spirit of Vad II was to get people more involved.
I must have looked stupid standing there with my mouth open.
This is what I think.
I think that its up to everybody's own self to know whats going on. They need to know their Faith, and if they want to go kneel through the Mass, that's their business. That's on them. I don't know whats going on in their mind. I can only account for me. A sacrifice is happening! Is this a Sacrament, or is this a service where were trying to get everybody to feel good? To be completely honest, I usually feel really bad during Mass. I realize how my sins have offended God. Then I feel better because of Hope and then my life opens up to joy.
I thanked the good priest for his time. He asked me to pray for priests. I can agree with that, too.
Allow me to wrap things up with a short prayer.
Oh my Jesus, may we hear Your Holy Sacrifice with more fervor. May we offer 100% of ourselves to you. Your Saint Alphonsus says "never permit me to offend Thee again, grant that I may love Thee always, and then do with me what that wilt." Please help those who hear Your Mass half-heartidly, that they may Love God with their whole being. Make us love You more, and then make us Your examples. Also, call young men who will serve You and us well to your priesthood. Strengthen their lives and keep them in Your favor.
May Our Lord and Lady keep you all well
Thursday, October 8, 2009
My two cents...
A note to the reader...
This web log will be written in an informal manner. I choose to use first, second, and third person. I capitalize few proper nouns, and I misspell. I abuse punctuation. Forgive me, Ive written enough proper papers in high school. If you choose to read my thoughts on this or that, you can also choose not to because of my lack of precision of the English language. I wont be offended. Also, a lot of my humor is lost in the written word, and please take everything that I say with a grain of salt.
with that said...
Id like to kick things off with a short prayer.
Lord, keep me on path of the Cross. Let me seek first the Kingdom of God. Grant me the virtues that will allow me to lead a exemplary life...especially those of Chastity, Temperance, and Charity. Forgive my past faults, inflame my present with the Love of God and love of my neighbor so I may spend the future (eternity) with Your Saints, Our Blessed Mother, and Thyself! Grant Your peace and Your knowledge upon my family and friends. Grant Your peace and Your knowledge upon those who offend You and are trying to keep Your Commandments (i.e. me.) Open the hearts of those who do not. Thank You for another magnificent day, may I carry tomorrows cross with a deeper love for You!
Amen. Now! This web log will be mostly book reviews, movie reviews, questions for people smarter than this poor writer, and thought dumps. I am open to suggestions and welcome criticism, but have a nasty habit of ignoring it. I am not perfect, and until I am, I will try not to bash others. I intend only to post this stuff for the positive construction of furthering a Christian lifestyle. Help me by being a watchdog and help me with prayer!
Dominus sit in corde meo, et in digitis meis.
May Our Lord and Our Lady keep you well.
This web log will be written in an informal manner. I choose to use first, second, and third person. I capitalize few proper nouns, and I misspell. I abuse punctuation. Forgive me, Ive written enough proper papers in high school. If you choose to read my thoughts on this or that, you can also choose not to because of my lack of precision of the English language. I wont be offended. Also, a lot of my humor is lost in the written word, and please take everything that I say with a grain of salt.
with that said...
Id like to kick things off with a short prayer.
Lord, keep me on path of the Cross. Let me seek first the Kingdom of God. Grant me the virtues that will allow me to lead a exemplary life...especially those of Chastity, Temperance, and Charity. Forgive my past faults, inflame my present with the Love of God and love of my neighbor so I may spend the future (eternity) with Your Saints, Our Blessed Mother, and Thyself! Grant Your peace and Your knowledge upon my family and friends. Grant Your peace and Your knowledge upon those who offend You and are trying to keep Your Commandments (i.e. me.) Open the hearts of those who do not. Thank You for another magnificent day, may I carry tomorrows cross with a deeper love for You!
Amen. Now! This web log will be mostly book reviews, movie reviews, questions for people smarter than this poor writer, and thought dumps. I am open to suggestions and welcome criticism, but have a nasty habit of ignoring it. I am not perfect, and until I am, I will try not to bash others. I intend only to post this stuff for the positive construction of furthering a Christian lifestyle. Help me by being a watchdog and help me with prayer!
Dominus sit in corde meo, et in digitis meis.
May Our Lord and Our Lady keep you well.
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