Holy Fathers Francis and Dominic

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Dignitatis Humanis


**What is below is my shorthand mixed with my own thoughts. This post is a note/thought dump and may not make sense! If I can clarify anything, please let me know so I can edit/explain further.**

This is the hardest document for Americans to understand. We take for granted the rights of Man (according to the French Revelation.)"We the people!" Life, Liberty, and (property) the pursuit of happiness. You do what you need to do, as long as you don't hurt anybody and you pay your taxes, and you're good to go. We have a very pluralistic mentality. Well, (it was actually called) "Americanism" was condemned by Pope Leo XIII. He says this pragmatic mindset of "if it works than okay" neglects principal. Principal is primary. Whether it is true or not is not important for American minded people. The French for instance, would rather die for principals, to them it is not about getting along. They killed a king because they didn't like how life was.

For the Catholic mind, error is evil. Ideas can lead you to Hell. Not just morals. Fr. John Murray, Society of Jesus, tried to incorporate American Ideas into ecclesiastical law. If you have more than one religion, there's always going to be an evil. Now, whether you put up with them is a different thing. Now, all Religions are good. Age of Communism. "more interested in personal judgement, not subject to coercion, sense of duties. Existentialism." Man has now "come of age." Christianity treats people like children. Duty of Man to search for the truth. Free by Nature, man cannot be coerced. Innate Freedom to publicly practice his religion.
Now man has the Right to worship according to his conscience. There should be no external force. "the state must recognize inherent right to follow his conscience."
3. Public order. This goes against past teaching! Syllabus of Error. Absolute Naturalism. No regard for religion. Moderate same validity for the true religion as for false religion. Public peace may require. But it is almost word for word condemned! (This document may be whats called the counter-syllabus of Error.) Exorcise virtue so that he may save his soul. True religion can not be treated as a false religion, then people cannot know the difference. If they contradict, then we have a problem. They lead to unbelief. If you treat Evil the way you treat Good, you destroy Good. Not difficult. God provides truths. Inquisition.- St. Pius V (inquisitor himself.) He knew that the act of Faith cannot be forced. You cannot for Baptism. But he and the other inquisitors judged sessions concerning non Catholics on things that you can know by reason. Ex. Sodomy. Jews, Muslims, Catholics, all could be tried, because that is understood by all to be wrong. You could even be excommunicated if you were a civil leader who didn't get rid of heresy. But, if one openly practices and entertains heresy after baptism, they can and should be suppressed.

Religious freedom is condemned under Mirare Vos. Look it up. People do not choose whats herder if they have the choice. And it doesn't get much harder than Catholicism. No divorce. No homosexual marriages. But, recent polls for some reason now, "Catholics" are the biggest supporter of this stuff... then the nut job protestants.

Dignitatis Humanae is simply not realistic. People wont come to Catholicism if its just as good as another religion. Cannot approve a system where schools teach only natural reason. Catholics must not hold that the Church is not the only true religion. Roman Pontiffs must not come to terms with Modernism. Explicitly condemned to do so. Their only goal is to protect and further the True Religion.

It is okay to tolerate a false religion if it leads to a civilization where you end up with a worse situation. (like if it would lead violence) but is that where we are at? Toleration of a false religion is not the same thing as an inherent right of a false religion.

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