Holy Fathers Francis and Dominic

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

on De Verbum

November 11, 1965 on Divine Revelation...

**What is below is my shorthand mixed with my own thoughts. This post is a note/thought dump and may not make sense! If I can clarify anything, please let me know so I can edit/explain further.**

Msgr Ghardini says this Council shouldn't be weighted as much as the others. In the constitutions, only the repeated dogmas are infallible. Anything new, not dogmatic, no definitions, no condemnations.
Revelation by scripture and tradition. Two sources.
Inspiration-Movement of the Holy Ghost. Whereby God directs the writing of human authors so that those and only those things that God wishes are written. Nothing more, nothing less is there that is meant to be there. Only Scripture is inspired (written.) Even eccuminical councils are not written in only the words that God wants. Infalibility and Inspiration are not the same thing. Councils that are infalible are only protected for writing something erroneous.
Scripture is inerrant. No error. None. Not just in theology, not just morals. We're talking geographical, chronological, etc, becuase God cannot direct error to happen. Inerrant is not restricted. It excludes/forbids error. There is no difference... no split between God and the human authors. They couldn't even think of something wrong. It is not true to say "only the religious elements are infalible." That was condemned in 1920. Words are dictated by the Holy Ghost to the person writing.

1) Devine Revelation- all recolation ended with the death of the last apostle, St. John. Traditionally the will submits, and the intellect receives the Content of Faith. These "truths revealed" are "communicated by God himself. Now, people don't want to adhear to God Himself but to man. That leaves room for protestants, Jews, etc. The Truths of the Faith are learnable things, not experiences.

2) "From the Gospel comes truth, morals." What about tradition? That is the other source. It doesn't talk about it at all. The deposit of Faith is dead to the Modern Man. They talk about the living Gospel They really wanted it to grow and change. Can you believe Nicea, Trent, in the same way the Church believed it then. Or were we wrong then about the meaning, and "now we've grown." The apostles receives, and the hierarchy gives to the people. Now there is a move to blur the lines. Make the teaching church and the lay people equals... Tradition is now subordinate. "It just sheds light on scripture."

The idea behind this is "If we can put tradition on the back burner, then we can focus on scripture. That way we can talk to protestants on an even playing field. You bet the protestants who were invited to the Council loved this document. The council may have been "invoked" by the Holy Ghost, but then the hierarchy refused to use the power.

The Holy Ghost was definitely at the Council. He was there to protect the Faith from the liberals binding heresy.

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